These are indeed, amazing times. This trecena is manifesting the precious energy of the birds....
The winged ones, connecting heavens and earth. Joy, abundance, and the vision to keep it.
And that is our path on these days. How to harmonize, creating for the best of all.
The magic is here, Since the 8 8 8, the portals opened in ceremony in sacred places around the world,
are allowing for the Adamantine particles of light to shine on us, through us in spectacular ways.
Yes, dearest ones, even if it seems that all our realities are melting in front of our eyes.
It is time now to use the magic available from the Universe. This is Divine Mercy at its fullest!
Go ahead, dream on and help us all by creating all the beautiful, wonderful, peaceful and bestest we can think of.
Call upon your guiding angels for more inspiration, and visit that space within your heart to lovingly
be part of the Shift of the Ages!
Blessings to us all.
Thanks Aum! I was just wanting to check your blog to see how you are and this inspirational message was there to cheer me up. Thanks for the reminder.
Love, Amulya
Thank you so much for posting again! What a day today was!
Please post next cycle as soon as you can. Much love to you from Roatán.
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