While the Gregorian calendar reenacts the drama and Passion of Christ, we begin a new trecena. Tooj is the energy manifested through Mother Earth: Bringer of life, love, nurturing and all the elements necessary for a third dimensional living experience. Notice it is the Mother’s breast depicted in the glyph or ideogram that represents this medicine.
This is the perfect time to re connect with the lady who gave us birth.
Most of our karmic deals in this lifetime offer us unique learning tools through the experiences in the relationship with our mothers. There is a time where our moms are everything for us, full time, unconditional nurturers, caretakers, and loving guides…
As we grow up, within our so close relationship with mom, we enact many different “games” sometimes for power, sometimes to have their attention, and that also connects with some of the decisions we take to play our “dramas” in life. Whether we turn into violent, poor me; interrogators or indifferent peoples, we always have a connection with the games we learned to play in our childhood. So this trecena is the time to work on
this, remembering we don’t really need to manipulate others in order to get their energy/attention.
Time to free our selves of all those co-dependency and needy tactics
and start living as independent, free and harmonic individuals.
We can create our own mastery, remembering who we are, deep in the reality of our souls, and so evolve and become the enlightened, ascended beings we are meant to be. The universe is helping us, just summon your favorite deity, angels, guru and ask them to help you. A deep meditation is all you need, create sacred space using incense and candles, take your time, and reconnect with that wonderful, amazing and divine person you were always meant to be. Forgive yourself, and all the rest of your stories, embrace yourself as an innocent child of the Universe and prepare for the new times with a blank page, ready to be written with a wonderful new story.
So you become a child of the Universe, may the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Heavens bless you.
Mother...hear my prayer...I've seeked for you in my dreams and you have come many times...I am Elohisa..daughter of the stars child of the Universe...it has been a long and lonely journey to here...I have been told of a mother is South America...if it is you..please answer my call...
find me at www.keetarah.com
May your heart keep shining the light that you are...
We are Blessed!
hello Aumak !
I've read most of your blog. this the first blog I have ever read...
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