Embracing the lake
I left my home in Antigua two days before the ceremony I planned to embrace the lake. Took a shuttle instead of the shamamovil, and it was quite a ride,
I had forgotten how crazy those pilots are. We were close to big accident twice… ufff!
As we entered the basin of the lake, I could perceive a deep, intense sadness, manifested through my own sad memories of the 10 or so years I lived, first in Santiago Atitlan, then in San Marcos la Laguna. I did embrace those recollections and understood that as a woman, I had to heal myself first, so I could profoundly connect with my surrounding part of Gaia. ( by the way,it is my second name.)
I decided to spend the night in Panajachel, and called a friend of mine, who invited me to stay at her home. Sure enough, our conversation lead us to share our experiences since we saw each other, and guess what, we ended up crying together.
I won’t go into details, but please help me send lots of healing to my dear Carol.
Next day, as I walked the once crowded, full of life street of Santander, I realized it was almost deserted. Many of the stores were closed, no gringos, the usual vendors were there, desperate to sell their wares, imagine, a chalina for Q 5.00 when the usual price was Q20.00…!
The boat ride was as beautiful as ever and I was so happy to discover that the lake is looking quite clean now, the “captain” told me it had been this way for a week or so, but we all know the cyanobacteria is deep inside, waiting for the warm weather to surface.
When I got to San Marcos, I went to look for my friends and nobody was home.
The ususal feeling of “home” to me was gone, even my beloved son Balam,
was absent.
Walking by the church I found Florinda, a single mother of five (her husband, Chico, is still in jail).She used to work for me. Her two older children are now in school, so she got a good part of your donations. I know that is not going to last a long time,
but I sure was happy to share your generosity with her.
And it came back to me when I went to the hotel Paco Real and the new Administrador, Alejandro, invited me to stay there “for free” the next two nights.
I was preparing for the ceremony and took a very light dinner and a sauna.
Next day, as early as I could. I went to the rocks, and following my Spirit Guides’ advice, did my first candle ceremony, my meditation brought me to be in unity with the lake. During my second ceremony and pondering on duality, I felt very alone,
I had invited many people to come. I could not understand why nobody showed up! Then my guides told me: You are not alone and I could sense the presence of so many light beings who came and ministered me, and the lake. A squirrel (the Maya nahual of Noj ~ wisdom, came and played around) a lizard walked right near me (maya nahual of K’at, ~healing) and of course the birds came and listened to my flute playing. (tzikin~joy, abundance)
The third ceremony, activation, was made and Mayari showed up. And she lit the candles for the fourth ceremony: for balance.
Sandra, a maya girl showed up also, I know her. Because of her alcoholic parents, she was sent to an orphanage in Panajachel with her brother. They cut her hair (you don’t do that to a mayan girl!) and made her wear jeans and a t-shirl (just like a boy)
I don’t want to know all that she went through during that year she was away. Her sister and I prayed a lot together and made many ceremonies to get her back home.
I even tried calling the people I could. When she came back, she looked very “punk”. I adviced her to to wear her guipil and her corte again and she did!
Of course she was selling her bolsas, and the typical paraphernalia and I knew part of the ceremony was for us to make “her day” so we got as much as we could!
And she lit the candles for the fifth ceremony, for the center. It was very touching to see this 15 year old girl doing her prayers in her cachickel language. And I knew she was representing the women of the lake.
It was about noon when a guy came selling coconuts. So we got some and invited him to do the 6th ceremony, for abundance. I did the 7th ceremony, for trust, the mystical power and then some tourists showed up, one from Chile, one from Spain and one from Mexico and they shared the eight ceremony for harmony, the ninth for the intentions and the tenth, for manifestation. During the eleventh ceremony, for liberation, I poured the Diamond water in the lake, programming it to heal, purify and reactivate the sacred waters of the navel of the earth.
The twelfth ceremony (cooperation) was done in a cheerful spirit and by the time the sun was setting, the thirteeth ceremony was done. Trascendence.
With a happy heart and the feeling of mission accomplished, we went back to the hotel, had a nice sushi dinner and another sauna. We had rain all night. Next day, back to Antigua, we drove through dense fog and very cold weather, happy because we were told that the cyanobacteria dies when it gets really cold. Of course, I also got cold and a big flu, and now, Christmas morning, I am finally thinking straight and sharing with you my adventure. After the whole process of feeling very sick and lonely, I feel like something shifted deep within. In oneness with Nature, I pray it was so. And deep in my heart I am being reborn within the Christ consciousness,
My intentions to be in service in preparation for this Great Shift, may the Spirit of the Season may enlighten your hearts and bring all the joy and harmony we all need
1 comment:
thank you for being you and for revitalizing and grounding the heaven and earth connection at the lake. i have many memories of your early morning flute on the rocks. =)
i ask all people to understand that the cyanobacteria are part of the lake, they are natural and good and necessary and they were only doing their job to clean the lake of the pollution humans have been dumping for so many years. let us be thankful for them and their help, without which the lake might become truly toxic.
hooray for this new wave of energy as we enter the year of the tiger!
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