-English Below-
Mi camino espiritual comenzo muy temprano en mi vida.
Una niñez muy bella en el campo. Familia amorosa y creativa.
Parte de mis procesos formativos y educacionales, fueron mis estudios en Europa. Pedagogía y Psicología. En Graz, Austria. En mi vida he viajado mas, leído mucho y he tenido experiencias que disfruto compartir como cuentacuentos.
Mi servicio inicio cuando me decido a ser parte del proceso de transformación de nuestro planeta hacia una octava superior de conciencia. Mis maestros son todos ustedes, en todos lados. Mis guías espirituales me permiten escucharlos claramente. La Naturaleza me habla y me pide ayuda. Vivo hoy, mi maleta contiene todo lo que necesito en 25 kilos. Tengo una preciosa familia espiritual que se extiende en muchas parte y compartimos en Ceremonia los espacios sagrados para sanar a la Madre Tierra. Y a nosotros. Todos. Doy siempre lo mejor de mi Ser, sabiendo que la Inspiración viene en el momento apropiado y lo que digo es lo que hay que decir. Sigo el Calendario maya y ya cumplí 91.36 años. Me encanta compartir con el Oráculo Maya, porque resuena en el corazón y ayuda a recordar a la persona quien es su Ser Interno. Doy todo de mi en los talleres que organizamos, pues se que cada persona que viene, esta lista para la Gran Transformación. Leo poco, escribo mas. Busco la creatividad, la espontaneidad y la integridad a cada paso. Siempre bendecida por la Gracia Divina, recorro el mundo, sembrando.
AumRak is an internationally acclaimed public speaker, curandera (Medicine Woman), transpersonal psychotherapist and ceremonialist, who works widely throughout North, Central, and South America, as well as Europe and Mexico. Featured in the new José Jaramillo films Between 2 Worlds and The Alignment within, AumRak has lived and healed through the Mayan calendar for the past 15 years, and part of her mission is to share it’s wisdom. A Yogini for over 30 years she has explored the paths and disciplines of yoga, leading her to enhance her psychic gifts of channeling, empathy, and other intuitive reconnections. A High Priestess of Melchisedek, she has developed a true connection with her soul mission as a facilitator towards 2012, the Shift to higher consciousness. AumRak has received inspiration from her Spiritual guides to develop shamanic techniques that reconnect the hidden pathways within, to lead those around her to a healthy, balanced, and clear life path. Born in Guatemala, AumRak received initiations from five Mayan elders and has held ceremonies in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, France, Germany, and in nine States in the USA, as well as Canada. AumRak holds Degrees in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Pedagogy from Padagogishe Akademie des Bundes of the University of Graz, Austria, as well as numerous teaching degrees earned in Canada. For several years she has worked as a free lance journalist in radio, TV and magazines.
I used to be a very normal human being. I went to school, tried to follow the rules, was educated like anyone of us and lived a life full of deep experiences in my homeland, Guatemala.
From a very young age, I was always fascinated by the Spiritual path, which led me to become a yogini and read all kids of books on the subjects of metaphysics, spirituality, yoga, shamanism, and the Mayan civilization.
Always a communicator, I studied pedagogy in Graz, Austria and developed a strong interest in psychology, the workings of the mind and healing of emotions and energy bodies.
In the middle of a civil war in Guatemala, I had jobs working as a journalist for the newspaper, radio and television in Guatemala City.
The first time I went to Tikal, a major Mayan archeological site, I recognized the place as the one that I always visited in my dreams. At the same time, I started receiving "messages" from my spirit guides, and they recommended me to stay there, in the jungle.
This was the real beginning of my spiritual path. Nature itself was my first spiritual teacher. I stayed and meditated on the temples, followed the signs of the birds and the little animals, and observed the sun cycles.
The stars and the moon spoke to me in the depth of the night. And so I learned to develop my interconnection and to follow my intuition.
Life blessed me with my beloved children who gave me more opportunities to learn about love, service, and dedication. We lived in Santiago Atitlan, on the lake that is an amazing healing vortex.
In those times there was a civil war in my country and I worked on a project with Mayan widows on lake Atitlan. Our home was a centre for teaching and healing and we helped the women organize ways to be productive and independent. The political situation got very intense and our work on the lake made some people very angry. Life for my family became very dangerous so we were forced to leave the lake. About this time we were presented the opportunity to immigrate to Canada, where we found refuge and a home for 9 years.
In Toronto, Working as an English teacher for the refugee program allowed me to meet people from around the world who, like us, fled oppressive political situations and be in search of a peaceful and dignified life. Working with people from all over the world, I was able to be part of their healing process, their transition to a new life. At the Board of Education, I was able to practice, develop and learn lots of teacher's tricks that play a large role in my work now.
Thanks to the wonderful libraries in Toronto, I was able to borrow and read everything I could find on all the amazing fields of healing, shamanism, new age and metaphysics. This is when I began doing ceremonies of my own.
Some special books came to my hands that argued for the need to be a part of the healing of our planet, it’s flora and fauna and humans, in preparation for the new times to come. This was a subject where I felt a deep resonance and I immediately decided to become part of this transition. I went into ceremony and asked for guidance and inspiration to become a vessel.
The Universe heard my prayers and this brought deep changes in my life. It was not easy to let go, but in a matter of two years, I saw myself living in Lake Atitlan again... alone. My children lived with their father, who in turn, started a new family. And I also started my new life living with the Maya people and following the Maya timelines, in the simplicity of the rural life, growing a large garden with medicinal herbs, tropical fruits and avocado trees. At this time I began studying the way of the Maya elders, the ways of the shamans. This led me, first of all, to begin observing and learning about the sacred Time keeping.
To become a Mayan priestess I took off on long pilgrimages to 20 different sacred sites in Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala. Some of these ceremonies led me on long pilgrimages deep into the jungle. Sometimes after eternally long walks, I reached amazing pyramids and energetic sites that have been the ceremonial locations of the wise elders for thousands of years. At this time, my teacher, Padre Juan de Dios, guided my process as a Mayan apprentice, and life brought me into contact with many amazing people from around the world. There have been many healers and teachers who also influenced me and taught me their ways. Many things I was to learn as I traveled alone, and I experienced amazing adventures and was tested and tried repeatedly. Facing my fears and my insecurities, I was also learning to harmonize myself and flow to find the lessons of each experience. And then my life became a celebration.
Following the Sacred Maya Calendar, I learned to understand it as a map of time, and flowing with it, I learned to live in total surrender to my inner guidance, my feelings, and my connection with the All.
Whenever I came back home to the little hut, my home, surrounded by coffee trees and mountains, I continued practicing and developing as a healer. At that time it was the local Mayan people who came to me looking for medical attention (that was lacking in that village), advice and guidance. Soon enough tourists and other visitors started to come around looking for me. Taking what I had learned from the elders, from my books and from all of the schools, institutions, workshops, teachers and guides in my life, I began to develop my own techniques to infuse the shamanic healing process with ‘some fun’.
The Spirits of Lake Atitlan taught me to connect with them and heal myself using water in the Temascal ceremonies. As an extension of that, I began working with the healing of the waters and I began working on ceremonies to heal the lake.
I spent time exploring and developing the "Vidanza," which is a shamanic journey through movement that I developed in the 70's while working with Dr. Omar Estevez, a healer who taught me to use the magic of herbs in healing. I also Participated in a course on Transpersonal Psychotherapies, and learned to guide people into deep states of meditation within multiple dimensions of consciousness and to achieve the "teta" brain wave activity. I called this "Travel through Time and Space.”
I continued to learn about the sacred fired ceremony through daily practice and participation with other shamans. At this time, I was involved in the organization of international events like "Activation Maya," where healers and Shamans from around the world came together to activate energy vortexes and brainstorm about how to prepare others and ourselves for the great transition that will be 2012.
In Copan, Honduras, I was able to work closely with my friend, Flavia Cueva at her magical Hacienda San Lucas. Many ceremonies, workshops and much healing took place in the Temple of Gaia upon the hill overlooking that amazing valley. Here, I was to accompany lovers in the union of their souls and bodies in marriage ceremonies.
Soon an invitation came to go to the Wise Women conference in Seattle, Washington, USA. That was the beginning of 7 years of traveling and touring in the USA, Canada, Hawaii, Mexico and Central America. Wherever I went, I participated in the rituals of the places; I learned from and shared different ritual and techniques with the indigenous people as we continued to heal ourselves.
I was very much honored to be invited to become a "associate minister" for the Church of The Creator and to be acknowledged as a High Priestess of Melchisedek, meaning:
I am here to serve the planet and humanity as an instrument in service of the living God/Goddess.
I shared some precious times with the band "Kan'Nal” and worked with the Sacred Fire during their concerts, following the guidance of my spirit guides who told me to "do ceremony everywhere in USA".
Last year, my dear daughter Cris invited me to come to Europe and she made some contacts with shamans here that lead me to an amazing reconnection with my Celtic bloodlines.
I have been fortunate to meet amazing people who have supported my work of reconnections and to visit and do Ceremonies for the healing of Mother Earth at the many sacred spaces around Germany, England, Austria, Switzerland, and Finland.
I also spent last winter in pilgrimage to another very sacred place by mount Arunachala in South India and followed their spiritual practices of Yoga, Ayurveda, Bhayans, meditations, Pujas, Satsangs and a new understanding of how to share spirituality, and guide our way towards Awakening.
I am being guided by Mamita, as I like to call the Spirit of Mother Earth who honors my Being by channeling her healing work in these amazing times, in preparation for the Great Shift. I love to share my Self and to help people find their personal path of healing and evolution through the readings of the Maya Oracle.
I have left behind the comfort of a home only to find new homes everywhere I go.
I am now far from my dearest family but I find soul family every step I take.
I am very grateful for the amazing blessings of Grace, Joy and Abun-Dance on my Path of Service.
Thank you, Heart of the Heavens, Heart of the Earth,
Heart of the Winds, Heart of the Waters, Heart of the Family.
Thank you all. Bless you.
AumRak Gaia Maria Alcyonia
Rosita del Carmen Sapper Funes