Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Cycle of Ix

Hello again
Next on the list:  the cycle of the awesomeness of the jaguar.  Sinchronicities and magic abound in the New Times.  I was so amazed of Zen the cat's presence, I forgot half of what I wanted to say.
I am very grateful to my daughter Cris, who inspired me to do it and helps me with the publishing.  

Have you ever tried the Mayan Oracle?

I am available for private consultations via Skype.
A Mayan Oracle Reading will help you reconnect with who you are at the soul level and give your guidance towards fulfilling in your true potential. It explores your intellectual gifts, emotional state, and the lessons you are going through at this moment.
Are you curious about how you can recognize and develop your gifts and talents and develop them towards fulfilled your personal mission?

Please contact me via Facebook.  I am so happy to be of service.

And love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Aum Rak for this information and your gentle loving ways....